How $MCC could become the vanguard of crypto asset management

3 min readNov 26, 2021

Hey developers of MCC.

You should take a lot of marketing inspiration from vanguard.

I would even say, you could position yourself as the “vanguard of crypto”.
look at the words they use “Bringing value to 30 million investors worldwide”

“Keep investing simple and choose a ready-made portfolio fund that our experts put together.”

Vanguard Revenue

Vanguard had a revenue of: $6.936 billion (2020). This is actual revenue they generated for their own company.

Imagine if Multi-Chain capital could also generate that much money too….. purely from the investments you make with the investors 10% fee money.

Make a big deal out of the dashboard and platform

Vanguard have something where they tell you: “Check your investments and manage your account any time with our secure online platform.”

You just need to make MCC have the same thing.

Get away from the memey crypto look.

Add some real trusted design, that would look nice in the non crypto world too.

Asset Management

You should be placing yourself on the market using words like — “Asset Management”.

You’ve got a long way to get yet. But don’t screw it up.

You have the potential to be literally the “go-to” place for anyone looking to invest in crypto.

Please please please, in the future, pay a design team. Change this site, make sure the user experience is world class.

The beauty of MCC is that you should never ever ever need to sell

Due to MCC investment strategies, their portfolio will keep on increasing dramatically.

At a far higher rate than anything physically possible in the world right now. This is due to the new crypto tokens on rising crypto networks. Their value is increasing dramatically. Offering 10,000% or more API returns.

As an investor in MCC, you should really never need to sell.

You will benefit from these api returns.


  • Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000,000 MCC
  • 10% of each buy goes to existing holders.
  • 10% of each sell goes into multi-chain farming to add to the treasury and buy back $MCC tokens.

The 10% of each buy makes sense in order to grow in the short term. However when you are established, I would look to change how these funds are allocated.

In the future far less people should be selling. So more of those funds will be put into the investment portfolio.

Imagine you have 10 million holders.

No one is selling.

So there is no 10% sales tax to dish out to the treasury. Nothing to use to buy-back tokens.

The focus should be then to purely use the 10% to invest into the treasury portfolio.

Then give the profits back to the investors directly. In MCC coin. Or another coin.

So 1 person, can sit on this for months, or years. Earning 10,000% a year.

This 1 person would never be able to do this on their own because they just don’t even know about these high API projects.

That’s the MCC difference maker.

A team of experts and nerds, looking out for the highest API projects in crypto. Then moving your money to the projects which make the most sense.

With the aim of passing the returns back onto you.

That should be the real aim here.

I see no reason why MCC can’t be the highest market cap coin of any in existence.

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